Blog Post #9 Duke Student & Porn Performer

In class we were introduced to a young lady who was a college student at Duke, and worked as a porn performer. Then we saw some of the defenses and attacks that this girl had to go through, in the works of news medias. 2 in particular that I will focus on is the one by The Young Terks and the Take Part. First off in the The Young Terks, they showed attacks that people were saying, also the reason why she was doing it, which was to pay for tuition, but now by being open, she was being attacked, she was losing privacy and respect. But they also were conflicted with the idea that her argument was actually pretty ironic. But after looking at they people attacking her they kinda came to the idea that the people attacking her are probably the ones watching her videos and in a sense are bitter that they can't be with her.
Then in the second video, the Take Part one, they really pressed the idea with whats wrong with her doing what she wants? Why do people have to worry about what she wants to do. Overall in this video they really focused on maybe the problem isn't that she wants to perform in porn videos but rather that tuition is soo high that it makes people want to consider working/ going to extreme measures in order to pay for tuition. The one fact that was a little bit construed was the mention that she's paying for tuition with extra to spend on designer handbags, which after doing the math there really isn't enough that she is making to be able to spend on such luxuries outside of her tuition.
This story is a good example how the same story can be represented so differently, like that in the first video it was simply about the girl doing her own thing and people being bitter towards her, where the second one implied a problem with the high tuition rates forcing people to take extreme measures.


  1. I think you make a good point about how one story can be looked at or interpreted in multiple different ways. This is because people have their own opinions and every single person may focus on a different aspect of the story, just like these two different news reports did.


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