Blog #3 Digital Nation School

In the video of Digital Nation, they pointed out that there are schools that are giving laptops to students. And because of this, they have seen increasing grades, better attendance, and even less fights. Even though schools have seen results that are good, but also more students are also being distracted more and easier. Therefore, making it more work/harder for teachers to constantly have to patrol and make sure that students are staying focused and actually doing their work.
I know from personal experiences in high school, when I would have teachers allow computers out and then they just lectured, I would find my self doing either other school work or other unproductive things.
Looking at the pros and cons, I found the similar pro that the media has been seen to help students do better at school, that being that they are able to access information easier and quicker, a lot of schools have homework online so it's almost always available to students, so no more "I forgot my homework at home, but it's done." kind of excuses. This pro was taken from, which is the National School Board Association, so they primary focus on schooling and what are some things that are positives and negatives for successful schooling.
My con, for technology in schools was that media facilitates cyberbullying, and this has led students to bullying others easier, it's easier than going up and looking into someone's face and saying mean things. There are a lot more cases of students being bullied so much that they have made some unfortunate decisions. This was taken from, here they have lots of stats about many different topics, and seem to be backed up by research.


  1. I agree with you that the idea of giving students the computers to keep them on task had good intentions. But like you said, in high school when I would be given access to technology, I was getting what I was doing done in a half-ass manner, and then continue to unproductive things. I think the bad outweighs the good, the fact that the teachers have to spend too much time monitoring what the kids are doing.

  2. I comely agree with you when you said that you would be doing other work or unproductive things! when I use my laptop in class thats usually the case unless I'm taking notes for that class. I think laptops are a blessing and a curse in classrooms.


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